Ch2V1 Homework

Homework - Husband and Wife

Discussion points for Parents

  1. For moms: Which is the greatest influence in your kid’s lives, your role as mom or your role as wife?
  2. For dads: Which is the greatest influence in your kid’s lives, your role as dad or your role as husband?
  3. What is your usual conflict response, Fight or Flight? Do you tend to avoid conflict or do you tend to enter conflict too easily?
  4. Why do you think God established husband and wife as the first human relationship?
  5. Practice a 10-15 minute “couch time” every day this week.
    Couch time is 10-15 minutes a day to sit, as husband and wife, and catch up on the day, activities and news. Kids are welcome to be around, but not to be part of couch time. Couch time is for mom and dad only.
  6. For single parents also practice a 10-15 minute “couch time” every day this week.
    For single parents this will be a time of prayer, and maybe scripture. You could also use some of the couch times this week to speak constructively with the other parent over the phone if that is possible, and if the relationship is able to sustain it.

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