Ch2V2 Homework

Homework - Child Centered Parenting Part 1

Discussion points for Parents

  1. If we put our children as the central relationship in the family it puts them in a position they are not ready for. Do you agree with this statement?
  2. Do you let life teach your children patience? Do you allow for long periods of “boredom” so that your children can learn by imaginative play?
  3. Do you think you give your children too much choice; too many options?
  4. For newer parents, are you working toward a day / night sleep and wake cycle for your baby that fits in with the family? Do you feel that is a practical and/or possible expectation?
  5. Are you making room for your child to invest in the family without reward? (chores, helping out, kindness with siblings)
  6. Try and find time in the next three weeks for a date night.

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