Recently in a sermon I read a rendition I wrote of Paul's poem from Philippians 2:5-11.
This small piece of scripture was written as a poem and should, I think, be read as one:
“5 Think like Jesus thought:
6 He was every bit God
But regarded it not
7 He made himself nothing
Lowering His voice, Abandoning choice
8 He made Himself into a man
Becoming a slave, He stooped to the grave
By the shame and the pain of a cross
9 So God lifted Him up
Right to the top
And He gave Him The NAME
And the Greatest of Fame
11 That all will proclaim
and loudly exclaim “Jesus Christ! The Lord Overcame!
All my shame, all my blame, all my pain!”
And they glorify God
They’re amazed and they’re awed!”