But David... series starting May 6th
Acts 13:36
"Now when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep…"
There are 23 accounts of the phrase “But David…” in Samuel and Chronicles. They plot a course for us of this man’s life and what made him stand out from the crowd.
We’re going to be picking 5 or 6 of these moments in David’s life that set him apart so that God called him, “a man after My own heart.”
Come join us May 6th as we learn about how a 3000 year old King can help us find and fulfill God’s purpose for our lives, shine a spotlight on our walk of faith, and cause God to call us people after His own heart.
Faith is a lot like mariage, it is a beautiful concept, but it's not as easy as it looks to apply. How did our "heroes" of The Faith do it?
We're going to continue with our focus on Faith over the next 3 weeks as we unpack 3 Psalms and in the process discover that we were Made to Reach toward God.
Michael Eaton's 6 part series on Song of Songs
December 31 / January 7th
As we enter the new year I believe that God is inviting us into a new level of vulnerability in His presence. The next two Sunday mornings we will be looking at what it means for God to Restore us, Mind, Body and Spirit.